We went for a road trip down to Reno this arvo. Its about a 45 minute drive down and on the way it started snowing like crazy.
Leaving Truckee -
On the way -
Nevada state line -
How not to drive a Chevy Tahoe in snow -
Reno -
Darragh supporting his sponsors in the snow -
We saw this on a shopping cart (do not put kids in bag)-
So Darragh decided to try get in it -
Darragh found Linton's bed in Walmart -
Whilst I found a stack of toy weapons to add to our collection -
The road trip back was crazy. It had kept snowing and people were going off the road everywhere. Took us over 2 hours to get home.
Our windscreen wipers were barely working in the blizzard. Darragh did an awesome job to get us home safely.
Hopefully my neck is feeling better tomorrow and I can go shred all this new powder!