We played 'Let The Rain Fall Down' on repeat all the way to Truckee without telling Longy we were doing it. He didnt even notice. Dude has a secret love for her.
Roddy, you will love this. The bar had a shotski. We didnt use it, but I did use about 80,000 of their Pabst Blue Ribbons (PBR's). For those that dont know, PBR is like America's Tooheys Blue.
The Shotski -

The bar had a wall where you can leave messages, we put this up for Darragh.

They also had a whiteboard in the toilet and texta's. This was put up -

Folowed by this -

The bar had a prom themed night coming up. So I ended up in a dress somehow?

After that we piled into a cab with some newfound Aussie friends to their house in Kings Beach. Note the giant subwoofer in the cab.

Longy was a bit worse for wear after the ride.

Then we shot guns off the balcony. God bless America.

Darragh and I decided we would then walk home. For those that know Tahoe, its a long way from Kings Beach to Northstar. We walked most of it before getting picked up by a mexican on a paper round. Thank you mexican man.
On the way home we also found a portaloo city.

Too hungover to snowboard today. Thank god for Dr. Pepper.
One word.......fuckingamazing! (technically it's two word's but I won't tell anyone if u don't)