Saturday, February 20, 2010

What an amazing night!

Went down to Truckee last night and had one of the most random, yet amazing nights I have had in a while. The night started with Darragh and I rocking out to Hillary Duff in the car.

We played 'Let The Rain Fall Down' on repeat all the way to Truckee without telling Longy we were doing it. He didnt even notice. Dude has a secret love for her.

Roddy, you will love this. The bar had a shotski. We didnt use it, but I did use about 80,000 of their Pabst Blue Ribbons (PBR's). For those that dont know, PBR is like America's Tooheys Blue.

The Shotski -

The bar had a wall where you can leave messages, we put this up for Darragh.

They also had a whiteboard in the toilet and texta's. This was put up -

Folowed by this -

The bar had a prom themed night coming up. So I ended up in a dress somehow?

After that we piled into a cab with some newfound Aussie friends to their house in Kings Beach. Note the giant subwoofer in the cab.

Longy was a bit worse for wear after the ride.

Then we shot guns off the balcony. God bless America.

Darragh and I decided we would then walk home. For those that know Tahoe, its a long way from Kings Beach to Northstar. We walked most of it before getting picked up by a mexican on a paper round. Thank you mexican man.

On the way home we also found a portaloo city.

Too hungover to snowboard today. Thank god for Dr. Pepper.

1 comment:

  1. One word.......fuckingamazing! (technically it's two word's but I won't tell anyone if u don't)

